Embrace Change
People Successfully Change Careers All the Time. So Can You.
Like life, a career transition can sometimes be a bit messy and is a uniquely personal experience. People go about it in different ways and there isn’t a single foolproof plan or linear approach you must follow. But there are some things you can be sure of.
There are jobs and professions you would be good at that you may not know exist. You can learn about them by reading, talking with people, and job shadowing. Know that you have unprecedented access to information and career development resources (including a lot of carefully selected content and tools on this site), all of which can make this process less scary. To get where you want to go doesn’t necessarily mean going back to school and getting a degree (though it might). There are so many ways to upskill: taking a class or two, pursuing a certification, or becoming an intern or apprentice. The choice is yours.
Remember: if a career change doesn’t result in the job of your dreams, all is not lost. You will gain knowledge, experience, and growth, all of which prepare you for your next job.
Self-Assessment & Planning Tools
Career Change Homework!
Evaluate Your Career & Plan for What’s Next
Write them down.
Make some notes about what you like about your job and what you don’t. Consider the tasks you do at work, as well as your workplace’s environment and culture. What makes you happy at work and what makes you anxious? Need help? Take the Work Values quiz.